Gurrashmeet Singh
Student of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Law University, Sonepat.
Best Citation – Gurrashmeet Singh, Case Commentaries – COMMON CAUSE VERSUS UNION OF INDIA, 2 (5) & 24 of 2022, IJLR.
This recent Supreme Court ruling on the subject of extensive advertising is examined in this case remark. The advertising, which were initially intended to inform the public about new government initiatives, citizen rights and entitlements, safety information, and information relating to public health, among other things, have become less effective. These advertisements have recently undergone a radical transformation in how they are printed and distributed, moving from commercials to political propaganda. This advertisement’s message not only devalued democracy as a whole, but it also stood in direct opposition to its core values. The general people are not only duped by such commercials that simply work to promote personality cults and political parties’ and candidates’ candidates’ images, but they are also forbidden from questioning them. When the same commercials sway voters’ decisions by revealing the candidates’ own party affiliation, this also violates the concept of fair elections. The Court only lately understood the significance of putting a stop to the problem in light of the extravagant expenditure on such advertisements made with tax payer money and money from the national exchequer. The statement examines the precedents on the topic and explores the issue in relation to the ideas that the Court has accepted or rejected. The comment’s broader context identifies this case as a significant perspective on the subject matter where the Legislature has not yet codified a law.
Keywords: Democracy, Expenditure, Fair Election, Guidelines, Informative Advertisements, Political Advertisements, Political Mileage, Public Funds